The Green Bubbie(tm)
 Sowing Jewish Generations Together

©  ruth feldman 2011

The ‘green’ in ‘the green bubbie’ refers

to life. When you cut a branch from a

tree, if it is still green, it is alive. So too

with all of us- if we are ‘green’ we are

growing- breathing, flexible, and if we

can, still learning.

A green bubbie can bring generations

together by sowing seeds- those of

Jewish Tradition as well as flowers and

vegetables. Just as heirloom seeds are

prized for their authenticity, and the

care with which they are passed down

for generations, Traditional Jewish

wisdom is part of an oral tradition,

passed down from generation to

generation. It is never too late , or too

early,  to nurture or be nurtured by the

living Torah. Learn to connect the

words and wisdom with the actions it

takes to fulfill the Mitzvot and make

the most of the “work of our hands.”


“Who is wise? The one who learns from everyone”

Pirkei Avot 4:1